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irish EXIT

where: Pacific City, OR

when: 2014-on going
what: 10 acre coastal development



This project is located on ten acres 4 miles inland from the coast at 800-900 ft. elevation in the Hemlock rain forest on the Oregon coast.  An ongoing project to develop this land into an artist sanctuary.

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The cabin was originally built in 1927 as a hunting cabin in northern California near Mount Lassen.  We dismantled it and relocated to the Oregon Coast.  


The property is located in area without electricity.  The barn is designed to let light in throughout the day minimizing the need for electrical lighting.  One side holds the tractor and implements and the other is the wood shop.   

The out house has two main principles: light filled and dry.  The elemental design rains light down into the structure while efficiently shedding the rain water.

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